No one remembers the one who comes in second...
This branching narrative game follows Grace Li through the middle half of her final semester at Elk Woods High School. Despite her best efforts, she finds herself in the middle of a war for class rank between popular know-it-all Lauren Matthews and loner prodigy Sophia Petrenko who would do anything to win. Who will get second place, and who will get... third?
This was written in Twine. A run of the game has around 10k words and takes around an hour to read and play through.
This was created for a class I took, and a postmortem I wrote on it (before implementing color text) discussing my intention in writing it:
ALSO, about the content warnings, I don't think the depictions of any of them are particularly graphic, and some are moreso discussed than actually depicted, but players who don't like engaging with those topics might want to be careful.
Status | Released |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | vitaminp |
Genre | Interactive Fiction |
Made with | Twine |
Tags | drama, Female Protagonist, high-school, story, suspense, Text based, Twine |
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yikes. great IF I really dig your style and the story was good but... yikes. i saw 2 endinds and both were... messy 😕 NOT BAD just... messy ;-;
thanks! at least... i think that's the impression that I wanted to impart through this piece! high school can be rough :P